Nutrition is very important to us, therefore, we make it our purpose to take care of your health and everyone in your family, using natural ingredients, free of preservatives and other additives that are not good for your health.
Presenting snacks on your table is our way of sharing every moment with you.

As a sweetener we use:
Organic agave syrup
Which is of natural origin, adds vitamins to your body (A, B, B2, Iron, Protein and niacin)also it is a natural probiotic. It is low in calories and helps to take care of your weight and increase your energy levels during the day.
Properties of Agave Syrup
Fructose 85%
Glucose 13%
Sucrose < 0.7%
Contains fructooligosaccharides (12-14%)
It is a type of soluble fiber and a prebiotic that benefits intestinal health and immune function.
Low Glycemic Index (28)
The Glycemic Index measures the ability of a food to raise blood glucose levels.

Gaveti Familly